
Product Prices
Nail clipping rabbits/small furries £5.00
Nail clipping cats/small dogs £10.00
Nail clipping medium/large dog £12.50
Expressing anal glands £10.00
Ear clean cats /small dogs £5.00
Ear clean medium / large dog £10.00
Nail clipping and anal glands £20.00
Admininstering medication £5.00
Tick removal £5.00

There is a extra fee on top of the service provided. This is to cover fuel costs if you are outside the catchment area.

5 - 10 miles £5.00

10 -  15 miles £10.00

Discounts on service price on more then 2 pets. Please enquire. 

Payment is by bank transfer or cash.

Drop in visits for your pet/s

I can come once or multiple times a day offering the services below. 

Available for all species 


Small furry and exotic drop ins

£10.00 for 30 minute visit

£15.00 for 1 hour visit 

• Feed and change water 

• Clean out bedding 

• Fuss and socialisation 

• Administrator of any medication that is needed 


Additional pets in the same household fee 

+ £3.00 for 30 minute visit 

+ £6.00 for a 1 hour visit 


Cat and Dog drop ins (kittens and puppies included )

£10.00 for 30 minute visit 

£15.00 for a 1 hour visit 

• Toilet break with option for a short walk 

• Playtime fuss and socialisation 

• Feding if needed 

• Administration of medication if needed


Additional pets in the household fee

+ £3.00 for a 30 minute visit 

+ £6.00 for a 1 hour visit